Hosted by Butterflies Are Free in Anderson  Mo.

Meeting opened at 2:00 pm with Serenity Prayer. Twelve Traditions and Twelve concepts read.

Roll Call:

Officers present: Vice Chair (Chrys B.), Secretary (Kelly Y.), RCM ( Pam M.), Alt. RCM (Becky M.).

Subcommittees present: H&I Vice Chair, AASC, PI

Groups present: Spiritual Principles, Survivors, WDR, 5th Tradition, Together in Unity, Miracles, Butterflies are Free, But Do It,

8 of 9 groups present.                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Administrative Reports:

Chair - (absent) Hello Ozark Area, I am sorry I can not make it to this months meeting, especially since I am missing the great food Butterflies are Free always provides. I felt just fine yesterday and was rather rudely woken up this morning, enough said - believe me. I am sending this report and the agenda with Jackee. Hope all is well! ILS, Mike S.

Vice-Chair Hello Ozark Area, I attended the subcommittee meetings on Sat Jan. 25th There is still very little participation from addicts. PI: 8 in attendance. Discussed upcoming events. January 22nd pizza flyer day. AASC: 10 in attendance. Need to fill some positions. Merchandise chair vacant. Discussed merchandise for sale and flyers  H&I: 10 in attendance. Discussed getting meetings back in Jasper County Jails. As you can tell we need support from addicts in N.A. Please take back to groups that these sub-committees are in desperate need of your participation. ILS Chrys B.

Secretary - no written report

Treasurer -Ozark Area Treasurer's Report JANUARY 2005 (Meeting of December 19, 2004)


Balance.............. $ 1182.41                            Balance ending December 19, 2004

                                                                     area report (see previous report)

Total Deposits. $ 112.10                              Donations and credits given in

                                                                    December 19th,s meeting.

Total Expenses. $ 304.36                              Expenses since December 19th,s

                                                                    report and last meeting

Current Balance..$ 990.15                           Balance as of January 16th,

                                                                   2005 meeting.



          DONATIONS                                                         EXPENSES


But Do It...................... …$ 10.00                               $ 180.21 Best Western/Reg. Rms/Ck#1375

Butterflies Are Free.... …$ 5.00                                 $ 46.80 Joplin Globe I Ck#1376

Miracles ………………$80.10                               $ 54.95 Freedom Voice I Ck#1377

5th Tradition …………$12.00                               $ Void Ck#1378

Serenity Group ………$5.00                                  $ 21.40 Office Depot/InklCk#1379

                                                                              $ 1.00 Bank Service Charges

         TOTAL DEPOSITS….$112.10

                                                                                        "$ 304.36 TOTAL EXPENSES

** Prudent reserve is $1264.03 Which makes us 273.88 below prudent reserve at this time

Funds of $12.00 were collected at area meeting for 5th Tradition Group. Thank you 5th Tradition Group for hosting area meeting and lunch you provided for the OASC members. In Loving Service, Jackee Clark Ozark Area Treasurer


RCM Alt. Hello Ozark Area, On the way to Regional  I got a call that my mother had been admitted to the hospital in St. Louis. I dropped the RCM off and took the H&I chair with me for support. Unless there is another emergency I will attend the April Regional. ILS Becky M

RCM   - RCM REPORT  January 16, 2005 I attended Show-Me Regional Service Committee meeting Jan. 8 & 9,2005 in Jefferson City, MO. The Regional Secretary, Bethany, asks that any e-mail sent to her at Kristen's e-mail address be labeled clearly "for the Regional Secretary".I have a copy of the Regional Treasurer's Report should anyone want to see it. Kathy W. is Regional Treasurer. The Regional Delegate to World, John S., discussed new products from WSO, fellowship development in Iran (meetings in 106 cities, 570 weekly meetings in the 10 top cities, MA has been in existence for 10 years in Iran), The NA Way- everyone is encouraged to submit articles to the NA Way, the circulation is 31,437, it's free to anyone who writes in and asks for it to be mailed to them. He attended the Southern Zonal Forum which includes Show-Me Region (us), Arkansas Region, Volunteer Region (Tenn.), Louisiana Region, Tejas Bluebonnet Region (part of Texas) and Mississippi Region. We are being asked to complete information for a Regional Inventory. Please answer the questions within your groups. I can get the info. To John or you can get it to him yourselves. The regional also wants our ASC to answer these questions as a group. I would like to ask that we do this in our March ASC. Areas giving reports were Mo-Kan, Ozark, Mid-Missouri, Little Egypt, Metro-East, St. Charles ($1500 lit sales every ASC), St Louis (did Area Inventory-5 questions), Southwest Missouri, SEMO, Heartland, and West Central. Old Business- Tracy R. is new Campvention Chair (9 for, O against 2 abstain), Shari is new RSOBOD member (5for 1against 5abstain). Josh is new RSOBOD member (6 for 1against 4 abstaining). Larry R. is new RSO Chair Elect (9 for O against 3 abstaining). The new Campvention forms were approved (7for 1 against 3 abstaining).RCM Open Forum included discussion of Regional Meeting Directory by the Regional P.I. Chair, Mike F. This will be a website linked to Show-Me RSO and developed by the same webmaster as RSO. There will be a map of the Region designating areas. You can click on the Area and their meeting schedule will come up and their help line #. It will be printable. Treatment professionals, drug courts, P.O.'s can be referred to this website. Our P.I. subcommittee with the approval of OASC will decide who sends updated meeting schedule information to the Regional P.I. Chair. Our latest meeting schedule was given to the Regional P.I. Chair. Changes should be sent by e­mail, if possible. We might want to think about asking our webmaster if she would do this (send info. To Regional P.I. Chair) when we update our schedule. A new RCM Orientation was done by the Regional Outreach Chair, Kristen. She would like to do a new GSR Orientation at the High on Life Picnic if the AASC would want her to.Regional Activities Subcommittee gave us the additions and corrections to their new guidelines. All Area activities committee chairs are asked to attend this committee at Regionals.Discussed question of whether Region could support struggling Areas to come to Region.Sunday RSC- Heard Regional Service Subcommittee reports: H & 1- 7 areas there, Jackee C. is new Secretary. They are providingfinancial support to H&I prison program. Are putting together Regional Map of Areas and Helplines Literature- Working on Basic Text submissions, up to 5 workshops will be held around the state on the Basic Text Project. The Basic Text Project will continue for the next 3 years. Members are asked to submit their story for possible inclusion in the Basic Text.Outreach- RCM Orientation 6 of 14 RCM's present. RCM packets at the next RSC. New GSR Orientations are available through Reg. Outreach. Regional Service Office Board Of Directors- I have this report and the office manager's report. SMRCNA Board of Directors- $15,289 in treasury of SMRCNA. Collection of a bad check is in the prosecutor's hands. SMRCNA XX is in Springfield, June 10,11,12,2005 at the Clarion Hotel. All speakers are confirmed. Registration packets are ready to be ordered. SMRCNA XXI is in Marilyn Heights on June 9,10,11, 2006 at the Sheraton Ice Chalet, $85 per night Writing Steps for Recovery- Have a report from them. 2 new people were oriented as step guides. They went to illinois to H&I Learning days and may go to Indiana. They have been coordinating step work for 13 male and 14 female inmates in 10 facilities. WSR is available for informational talks. Regional Activities Committee- 3 Areas attended. They went over proposed guidelines. Their next meeting is at the RSP on Feb. 26,2005 at 1 pm Ad Hoc for Regional Guidelines- Will be mailed in the next few weeks. They are the final draft so no new changes, we will either vote yes or no on these. Changes can be made later. Public Information Subcommittee- Directory guideli8nes given to RCM's They will do a mass mailing to professional next Regional about the meeting schedule website. P.I. Area committees to bring addressed envelopes next RSC. May convention being put on by the Missouri Dept. of Mental Health, Regional P.I. will set up a booth. After going over website contract, Mike was asked to include "is the property of Show-Me RSO" to the language and to confirm a date by which it will be operating as a website. Ad Hoc Phoneline- Will work like this if adopted 1. call- will get recording for meeting schedule or to leave a message 2. out calls go to beepers throughout the region and will have to call voice mail to retrieve message. In the next three months an action plan will be put together. Nominations Cara M. for Campvention Vice-Chair Stephanie S. for Alternate Secretary (2 yr. Cleantime guideline) Debbie E. for Regional Delegate Alternate (3 yr. Cleantime guideline) Nominations closed. We need a treasurer ( 4 year guideline) is a 2 year commitment. Also 6 RSOBOD members and possibly 1 SMRCNA BOD member. Zone 4 Host Chair is needed for SMRCNA. All Subcommittees and the Administration Committee are up for Nominations next Regional List of Host Areas for Regional Business Meeting will be updated there are lots of new Areas. New Business­ Motion 0109051- Motion to approve the Show-Me Regional Guidelines for the meeting directory website. Intent- to get guidelines for website. Was seconded and passed unanimously. Motion 01090502 To donate literature, starter kits, key tags, coins, etc. to the SEMO Area for your basic group. Intent- To get more of the message of recovery to the group and newcomers that haven't gotten a starter kit or books or work steps. Seconded. Failed Of or 11 against 1 abstaining, much discussion. New motion to be submitted.Motion 01090503- The WSO Inc. number the questions in the step-working guide. Intent- to make it easier to follow along and to simplify working steps. Died for lack of second Motion 01090504 The Show-Me Region stop action on the Regional Phoneline proposal as is. Intent- to find better uses for the funds required to fund this. Died for lack of second. Motion 01090505- To allow Regional Outreach Chair to use funds available to go to the next SZF in Louisiana in Jan. Intent- to further carry the message to addicts and to make contacts with other regions to share outreach information. Passed unanimously Motion 01090506 The Show-Me Region give the SEMO Area $300 to help with Literature orders to suffering groups. Intent to carry the message and help a suffering area. Passed 9 for 2 against 1 abstaining Laura B. was nominated for Regional Treasurer. We will have her service resume in the Regional minutes Next RSC is April 9 and 10 here in Jeff City. Cabin Fever, Sat. night speaker is Vito who has 44 years clean. Motion 01090507 $248.15 to go to Campvention to bring their prudent reserve back up to $300 Passed unanimously Motion 01090508 Motion to approve Regional Activity Guidelines. Intent so they will have guidelines. Passed 10 for 0 against 2 abstaining. Treasurer's donation report: Started with $3,667.33. Collected $8.854.21. Prudent reserve $5,362.50. World donation this Regional $7,069.04 Pam M.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

                                                                                                                                                                                                        Subcommittee Reports:

H&I – Hello Area, Sorry I couldn’t be here today. I have to work, I couldn’t get out of it today. All presentations are going well. Alan F is still working with Jasper Co. Jail to get meetings going in. When the meetings get going they will be Tuesdays at 7-9 and we will alternate men’s and women’s meetings. I didn’t make it to Reg. Because on our way Becky’s mom had a stroke and we went to St. Louis instead. We have no mileage to turn in for reimbursement this month, not even to house of hope. ILS Renita G.   (Vice Chairs Addition):McDonald Co jail meetings need support. Two NA members have been carrying the whole  commitment, one of which is needing to reduce his level of commitment. House of hope needs someone to commit to taking a meeting into the facility on the 3rd Thurs. of the month. It is Ozark Area who has talked H&I to take these meetings into these facilities. Ozark Area is comprised of groups GSR’s please take this cry for help in carrying the message through H&I back to your groups. NA members wanting to help need to attend H&I subcommittee meetings held the 3rd Sat. of every month at 1330 wall in Joplin at 4:00 pm Please announce the need for support in your meetings ILS Kevin F.

Literature Review – vacant

Public Information -Hello Area, PI met on 1-15-05 at WDR. There were 7 addicts attending. We discussed final preparation for pizza flyer day for this coming Sat. 1-22-05. We also would like to have a PI workshop at HOLP this year.     

The committee approved reimbursement for 10c a mile for 420 miles for the trip to Region last week I attended. I have a report from the Regional PI I can read in a moment. We are currently working on an all day presentation for South Middle School for sometime in April or May. That’s it for now If groups would bring the names of 10 or more professionals addresses to the next area meeting. ILS Bruce A

AASC – Hello Ozark Area  The AASC met on Jan. 15th at 2:30 pm at WDR. Everything is progressing well. We need nominees for merchandise Chair if anyone is willing, 2yr clean time requirement The flyers for the picnic are being modified but I have some informational ones for the groups. The regional speaker is set and the other three are being narrowed down. The sweat shirts have been ordered and will be done soon. HOLP funds are at 980.53 I would like to thank everyone for their help and support on the New Years Eve dance. I would also like to thank Kenny C for speaking and Too Mothers Left for the music. 320.00 was turned over to the Treasurer and after regenerating the $200.00 account, the function profited 170.00 for the Area. It was a good turn out and everyone seemed to have a good time. Our next meeting will be held Feb 19th at 2:30 pm at WDR. In grateful service, Linda Q. 

(AASC Treasurer report): HOLP Acct.-  980.53           )               Previous bal.       1350.53

                                         AWAM Acct.- 200.00           )               Area Donation      170.00

                                          AASC chg. -  1180.53         )                          Total          1180.53


Group Reports:

But Do It -Hello Ozark Area, I’m Billie an addict serving as GSR for But Do it. But Do It meets every wed. at 6:30pm in the basement of building 2 at 1502 S. Michigan our average attendance is 10-12 people. Our business meetings are the Wed before the Area at 7:30pm (or after the 6:30 meeting). Billie W. was voted in as GSR last week. We have a $5.00 donation to Area ILS Billie W

Butterflies are Free -Hello Ozark Area: The Butterflies are free Group meets Thursday night at 8:00pm in Anderson at HWY 59 & Tatum dr. in the Housing Authority Bldg. We are an open smoker friendly meeting. Our group has found a place to hold our July function. OASC now has 5 lit racks at various locations in McDonald Co. Plans are going well for our function flyer design was voted on and passed at group level. Dudes the flyers look cool just wait and see!!!!!! We do not have an Area donation this month See Ya All next month with gratitude Glenn P. GSR

Fifth Tradition --Hello I’m Don C. I’m the GSR for 5th Tradition .All is well Meeting attendance is up And someday we will have a donation for Area just as soon as the treasurer needed another  gets a check signed and given to me for Area We still meet at 6:30pm on Tue.  ILS Don C.

Serenity Group- Absent  Dennis D.

Miracles Group -Hello Ozark Area, Miracles meets at 4th and Byers. We meet on Tuesdays at 8 pm and this is a closed meeting and on Friday at 6:30 pm and this is an open meeting. Our business meeting is the second Friday at 7:45 p.m. and is a speaker's meeting at 6:30 p.m. On the last Friday is our Birthday night. We have an Area donation of $41.00  ILS, Mark J.

Spiritual Principles - Hello Ozark Area, Spiritual Principals continues to do well. Meetings are held at 618 Jackson in Joplin on Sunday and Wednesday at 9:30 A.M. Birthday meetings are held the last Sunday of the month. This months Birthday celebration  will be held on Jan. 30th at 9:30 AM. We have a $15.00 donation for Ozark Area this month ILS, Kevin F.

Survivors - Hello Area, Survivors meets Mon. - Sat. at noon and Fridays at 8:00pm. We meet at 618 Jackson. Attendance is good and there is a good atmosphere of recovery at the meetings. Contributions are down still, we haven‘t been getting enough donations in the basket to make rent, however, we do have a $5.00 donation to area. Survivors will be having there annual Sweetheart dance Feb. 12th 2005 at the Connor Baptist Church at 19th and Connor. Doors will open at 4pm speaker at 7pm Shellie V. is the speaker dance and raffle will follow, ILS Jimmy N.

Together in Unity - Hello Ozark Area, I’m Tracy D The new GSR for Together In Unity. Our meetings have changed to Sat. 7pm open meeting, Tue 7pm open meeting, and Thur. 7pm closed meeting. Our business meeting is held on the 2nd Sat. of each month at 8pm  We also have a new location we meet at 240 N. Pine in the basement at Pine street Baptist  church. Our average attendance is 15-20 addicts. At this time we do not have an Area donation. ILS Tracy D 


We Do Recover -REPORT TO AREA Jan. 16 2005Hello area we do recover meets at 1330 south wall in Joplin 7 nights a week at 8pm. these are open and smoking meetings, and midnight Fri. and Sat. if we have chair people signed up. Our speaker night is the 2nd Fri. of the month at 8pm this meeting is non-smoking. Our birthday night is the last Fri. of the month and is also non­smoking. No area donation this month due to our group being below our prudent reserve. We do recover is having a function Jan. 22 we will be having a dance after the speaker (who is Raymond) we will also be selling food and there will be a raffle, so please bring your N.A. related raffle items and dance the night away. In loving service Mark B.


Sharing Session:

** H&I Vice chair brought up the need for support which you can find in the H&I report that was submitted to these minutes.

** The H&I meeting at McDonald County jail has changed it is at 7pm on Fridays now

** Plaques can be taken home from Anderson today.

** Miracles needs artwork for their annual campout if you wish to submit any please call Lynn

**The Monday night meeting in Neosho is not being held anymore due to lack of attendance.

Old Business:

Voted: PI guideline changes, To remove section 1D officers and their duties. passed  



**Motion: to donate lit. and key tags that has been returned from the Neosho meeting, that is no longer held ,go to the Freedom group in Webb City passed

** SMIRCNA 19 donated Items to Ozark Area to give to group functions. These are the groups that requested items: Together In Unity, Butterflies Are Free, We Do Recover, Survivors, and But Do It.

**Motion: Any NA group or NA entity having a function may come to Ozark Area and request items until  they are gone to be one large item and two small Items to be raffled off at their functions. passed

** Motion: The rest of the merchandise will go to AASC. passed

** PI will be updating the Regional website per Area


*NEXT AREA MEETING IS Feb 20th  2:00pm at We Do Recover 1330 Wall Joplin Mo 64801