OASC August 2006
Ozark Area met at:
Meeting opened at 2:00 pm with Serenity Prayer: Twelve Traditions, Renita G., and Twelve concepts, Shavett, read.
Officers present:
Chair (Kenny C.), Vice Chair, (Shelie V. ), Secretary, (Allen L), Treasurer, (Jackee C.), RCM, (Dale S.)
Officers absent: None
Offices vacant: Alt. RCM
Ad-Hoc Committee: David B. Absent, Report given by secretary
Subcommittee Chairs present: AASC, (Renita G.), H & I, (Steve S.) Late. PI, (Bruce A.)
Subcommittee Chairs absent: None
Subcommittee Chairs vacant: Outreach and Literature Review
Groups present:
But Do It, ( Tate H. ),
Butterflies Are Free, ( Jim W. ), Late
Miracles, (Lynn L.),
Spiritual Principles, ( ),
Survivors, (Shavett G.),
Under Grace, (Flynn M.)
We Do Recover, (Susanne S.).
Groups absent: Fifth Tradition, (Wyatt G.),
Groups Inactive: Spiritual Principles (3)
Quorum: Yes
Recognition of new Groups: Wings of Freedom Group of NA meeting time 6:00pm, Sunday nights. Anderson Housing Authority, Anderson MO.
Additions or corrections to last month’s minutes: NO Motion to approve: Corrections
Additions or corrections to the Agenda: No Motion to approve: 2nd , passed
Chair: Kenny C.
Vice-Chair: Shelie V.
Greetings OASC
As always it is an honor to be of service in any capacity necessary. This past month I attended meetings at several different Joplin groups as well as the HOLP.. What a privilege to be a part of Narcotics Anonymous in the Ozark Area. Yesterday I attended subcommittee meetings at WDR from 1:30 pm to 5 pm. 9 addicts attended the PI subcommittee meeting, 7 addicts attended the AASC subcommittee meeting, and 10 addicts attended the H&I subcommittee meeting. Many members are stepping into service work and that is exciting to me because I know the benefits service work has brought to me in my recovery. Thank you for allowing me to be of Service.
ILS Shelie V., OASC Vice Chair
P.S. An addict with about 60 days clean came to me this month telling me that they attended a meeting this month and didn’t wand to return. Outside a couple of group members were sitting beside the door saying “Do you remember when it was just us at this mtg”? I’m tired of all these new people invading our meeting. Or so something to that effect. I feel all the groups need to look at this and remind their fellow group members how important it is that all addicts feel welcome at meetings.
Secretary: Allen L.
Hello OASC
For those of you that are new to coming to the OASC meetings, I wanted to let you know I have all the information concerning the OASC regular monthly meeting minutes dated back to June 2005 to present, any special meetings held, and an updated Trusted servants list. If you are missing any information or would like to have anything that I have, please list on a full sheet of paper what you would like to have, please include your name and your group you are representing. I am getting ready to update the trusted servants list again, so if anyone has changed their phone number or address or if you have an email address, again, please give me the information today, on a full sheet of paper. Small pieces of paper tend to get lost. In an effort to be more efficient as the OASC secretary and getting the OASC minutes out to all the trusted servants, GSR’s, and Sub Committee Chairs timely, Cost for mailing out minutes from each meeting is a minimal amount but if you have access to a computer with an email address would be great. You would receive your minutes faster. But, not a requirement. I have been getting requests from several of you more recently concerning information that you want or information that you are submitting to me via email. This makes the OASC Area run a bit smoother. I save everything that is sent to me for an archive. Just a reminder and for those of you who are new in the OASC meetings, all nominations, Motions to be voted on by your group, or information that shouldn’t be overlooked will be typed in RED.
In Loving Service, Allen L.
Treasurer: Jackee C.
Ozark Area Treasurer’s Report
(Meeting of July 16, 2006
Balance $ 255.52 Balance ending July 16th area report
Total Deposits $ 182.44 Donations and credits given in July 16th
Total Expenses $ 387.10 Expenses since July 16th report and
Last meeting.
Current Balance $ 50.86 Balance as of August 20, 2006 meeting
But Do It $ 108.90 $ 59.65 Bruce A/Reg. Milege/Ch#1456
We Do Recover $ 40.50 $ 54.95 Freedom Voice #1457
Miracle’s $ 33.04 $ 46.80 Joplin Globe # 1458
$ 16.96 Re order Checks
\GROUP DONATIONS $ 182.44 *$203.80 Incorrect Charge?SDG&E
*$ 1.95 Incorrect Charge/SDG&E
$ 2.00 Counter Check Charges
$ 1.00 Bank Service Charge
**Note: San Diego Gas & Electric somehow charged our account for $203.80 by mistake and I am investing this as we speak. Also, US Band charged us a $1.95 for electronic withdrawal for this charge by San Diego Gas & Electric. If we do not get a response within 30 days of fax on 8/16/06 then I am to notify US Bank to follow up regarding wrong charges.
Funds collected in basket for We Do Recover was $ 15.50
Thank you We Do Recover for hosting area meeting.
In Loving Service
Jackee C.
RCM: Dale S.
Hello ASC as I reported last month this is the second part of my report. This month I’m reporting on the RD report and Sub Committees. I decided to include the RD’s report in mine if I reported on the RD’s report so much of the information would be lost. On with e Sub committee reports. Literature review reported about the Basic Text review and will be doing work shops. The first will be in Campvention. September 14th, 15th, and 16th and are open for Areas when interested. PI hopes to have the phone line up by Oct. and is looking for a new web master. RSO – 6 open positions $21,600.00 NA sales, $165,400.00 in year the date sales. SMRCNA BOD – SMRCNA 21 was not very successful. 108 presentations and a total 374 registrations with around 800 in attendance. SMRCNA BOD is asking for suggestions. Some of what I reported last month. WSR (writing steps for recovery) still needs support from Areas. Activities only had 2 areas present, also gave an email address to mail fliers to for Regional Calendar showmeact@yahoo.com. Ad hoc to incorporate region is looking for support. Ad hoc to find meeting space. Region will be moving to the resort at Port Arrowhead at Lake of the Ozarks
Service with a SMILE,
Dale S.
RCM Alternate: VACENT
Ad-Hoc David B. absent but Allen L is giving the report.
Hello Ozark Area
This is concerning AASC.
I had every intention of trying to be the chairperson for the committee 2006-2007 but things have come up and I feel like I would be doing more of a dis-service to the Ozark Area than I would be of service to the Area. Those of you who know how I am about service in Narcotics Anonymous will understand this and those of you who don’t will some day I hope. I take service very serious, sometimes to serious.
Just to nip some of the speculation in the butt, earlier this month I was voted in as the SMRCNA BOD chairperson and though this would not interfere with the position as AASC Chair, it is going to take more of my time than it has over the last year. I also am more than likely going to be taking a new position with another company after the first of the year and it is going to require a lot of my time for at least 3 months. I will be traveling 2-4 days a week with a 1 night stay some where out of town most weeks.
I understand that it was brought up during the sub committee meeting yesterday about the HOLP moving and some concerns where presented. I spoke to Renita for a few weeks ago and said that if I did not chair the committee, I would help in any way possible to make sure the transition from Truman to Stockton was a success. I have said this more than once already, but I will say it again, “I will do what ever I can to help” all you have to do is ask.
Maybe this letter wasn’t really necessary but at least it’s out in the open and can be a part of your Area minutes. Ok Let’s see.
Narcotics Anonymous
Yep I’m ok with me today, SO YOU CAN BE TOO!
Service with a Smile
David B.
AASC, Renita G.
AASC Report to Area
AASC met at 2:30 on 8/19/06 at We Do Recover with 7 addicts in attendance. The HOLP was a success. Once again the sub committee did an excellent job. I received a lot of positive feedback. I want to thank everyone who helped make the picnic a success. We have an Area donation of $2,249.94. The AASC began plans for the chili cook-off. The chili cook-off will be November 11th at the Galena Seniors Citizens Center. Don M. will be the speaker. We will have a DJ. We are exploring some new ideas to draw support to the function. More will be revealed.
Renita G.
H&I, Steve S.
Hello Ozark Area
I’m an addict named Steve who is humbly representing our area as H&I chair, I would first like to tell everyone thanks for their service in H&I and especially thank Pam, Robyn, Kim, Jackee, Rebecca, Melissa and all the women who have stepped up for the Layfette House and Female side at the Jasper County Jail. I would also like to thank Brian, Suzanne, Renita, and all the people who support the effort at the Ozark Center. Also, a big thinks to Alan, Dale, Mark and all the men who support the Jasper County Jail on the Men’s side. I’m sorry to inform the committee that the Jasper County Jail on the men’s side but that was due to the jail and circumstances beyond our control. The book study at the Ozark Center is doing well and I would like to thank everyone for their support in this area and last but not least I would like to thank Jimmy Q. for taking care of the McDonald county Jails.
In Loving Service
Steve S.
PI Bruce A.
Hello Ozark Area,
P.I. met Aug 19th at WDR at 1:30. Their were 7 addicts attending. Not much to report this month. Phone lines are doing well. We put a literature rack on display at the battle of the bands for the battle against meth on Aug 18th and 19th. We have 3 P.S.A. down loaded to take to the TV Stations. We will be nominating Pat H. for P.I. chair as nominations will open today. All literature racks have been taken care of. That’s it for now.
P.I. Bruce.
Outreach (VACENT)
Lit Review, (VACENT)
GROUPE REPORTS: Carthage Group is now (Under Grace Group)
Hello Ozark Area,
But Do It meets Wednesday at 1502 Michigan in the basement of building 2 at 6:30pm with 20 to 30 addicts in attendance. All meetings are closed meetings except the last Wed of the month which is opened for Birthday night, and our business meetings are the Wednesday before Area. We have a donation of $85.01.
Service With a Smile
Tate H
GSR But Do It.
Hello my name is Jimmy I am serving as alternate GSR for Butterflies are Free. The meeting in Anderson is 13 going good. Attendance is down some what but every thing is good. Area donation of $ 5.00.
Thank you
In Loving Service
Jimmy Q.
Hello Ozark Area,
The Miracles group is doing well. Our meetings are open and we meet at 4th and Byers in the basement of the United Methodist Church on Friday nights at 6:30pm. Our meetings average 40 -50 addicts per meeting. Our campout is all set for September 8th & 9th at big elk comp and canoe in Pineville. We everyone to come out and have fun with us. Also we have a Area Donation of $110.00.
Lynn L.
Greetings Ozark Area,
The survivors group meets Monday through Saturday at noon, and at 6:30pm on Monday, Thursday, and Saturday and Sunday. We meet at 618 Jackson in Joplin, MO. We are planning an upcoming volleyball tournament in September. So, start working out and training! More to be revealed!
Come celebrate our birthdays the last Saturday of the month at NOON.
Shavett G.
Report for Under Grace
Hello area,
Greetings from the Under Grace group of Carthage, we meet Monday nights in the basement of Grace Episcopal Church in Carthage at 7pm, at 820 Howard St. in the basement. We have between 4 to 8 at 6 pm attendance pm a regular basis/ We have a $ 10.00 donation to the Ozark are at this time. On behalf of our group I wish to thank the Ozark area for making us feel welcome and a special thank you to everyone who has come over and supported our meeting
Hello Ozark Area
We Do Recover meets at 1330 S. wall street 7 days a week at 8pm. Our midnight meetings on Fri. and Sat. nights have been gaining in Support. We have an average of 30 to 60 addicts in attendance. We have an area Donation of $ 100.00
Grateful to Service
Suzanne S.
Dale, NA ways were handed out
Ozark Center C-Star on Virginia requests literature, PI will stock.
Allen L. say he is facilitating a meeting at the above address alone. He says it is on an (NA meeting) the ok to do this was given when Allen F. was the chair person for H&I. Allen says he will get with H&I and PI chairs about that meeting.
Area planning tools will be in the minutes
Discussion on Web site – PI’s guidelines do not contain anything about the web site.
Discussion to have GSR’s use the email address on our web site. Failed
Motion from Lynn L. – To change Area Elections to simplify the voting, i.e., sub committee Chairs in May and administrative in October. Failed
Debra submitted her report that have been added and sent to all OASC members.
Web-Site Coordinator position discussed
- Deborah handed out paperwork describing website and she fielded questions/comments.
- Shavett expresses willingness to serve as bulletin board moderator.
- Shelie asked Deborah her opinion on subcommittee. She said it is working fine as is, but if we want BB and Chat we will need a SCM
- Debra says her term is up 10-07
Nominations for Chair, Kenny C. 2nd, Resume
Nominations for Vice Chair, Shelie V. 2nd , Resume
Nominations for Treasurer, Jackee C. 2nd, Resume
Nominations Pat H. for PI Chair, 2nd , Resume
Nomination for AASC, 2nd, Resume
Motion – Lynn L. To have the P.I. Committee cancel the Joplin Globe, additional cost $ $561.60 yearly, 2nd, tabled for groups to vote.
Intent – To relieve some financial stress off the Area. As we now have more active means to get the information to the public, i.e. Phone Book, Phone line, & Web Site.
Motion – Lynn L. To have the Webmaster give a written report monthly and send it via Email or Snail mail. And report in person Quarterly to the P.I. committee. 2nd, tabled for groups to vote.
Intent – To make the Webmaster more accountable to the Ozark Area about the website, as to what’s going on with it. And, also what the Area can do to help the website.
Motion – Lynn L. For the RCM to make the Motion at RSC to form an AD_HOC committee to research the option of centralizing SMRCNA. Or recognizing the Region. 2nd, tabled for groups to vote.
Intent – To reduce the burden of areas that are already struggling to meet area needs, i.e. committee and such.
Motion – To make We Site Coordinator a sub committee of the OASC, 2nd, tabled for groups to vote. A vote will be taken at the OASC meeting held on September 17, 2006 at Survivors, 618 Jackson – Joplin.
Thank you Debra B. for coming to OASC meeting today.
If you are receiving your minutes via email, you will be receiving a package in the mail from the RCM report. The file is to large to send it via email.
Motion to close, 2nd, passed
NEXT MONTH’S MEETING TO BE HELD AT: September 17, 2006 at 2:00pm, Survivors.