OASC  May 2006


Ozark Area met at: Hosted by But Do It  618 Jackson

Meeting opened at 2:00 pm with Serenity Prayer:  Twelve Traditions and Twelve concepts read.

Officers present:  Chair, Kenny C., Vice Chair, Shellie V., Secretary, Allen L., Treasurer, Jackee C., RCM, Becky M.

Officers absent: NO

Offices vacant:  RCM Alt.

Subcommittee Chairs present: PI Bruce

Subcommittee Chairs absent: AASC Renita G, Report by Angie, H&I Mark J. Report By Shellie V.

Subcommittee Chairs vacant:

Groups present:  But Do It, Miracles, Survivors, We Do Recover, Spiritual Principles

Groups absent: Butterflies are Free (1), Fifth Tradition (2)

Groups Inactive:

Quorum:  Yes

Recognition of new Groups: No

Additions or corrections to last month’s minutes: Motion to approve:  2nd, passed

Additions or corrections to the Agenda:  No




  Hello Ozark Area, It has been going well in Ozark area except for a few things like not having enough trusted servants to fill the chairs.  I think we have taken care of the areas business very well and in a timely manner.  I’ve been asked if there is any way that the High on Life Picnic could be held in our area?  Other than that I don’t have much to report



Kenny C.



  I attended yesterday’s sub committee meetings from 1:30 – 5:15pm.  7 addicts attended PI’s meeting. 6 addicts attended AASC. 5 addicts attended H&I.  Only one GSR was in attendance at these meetings.  I appreciate the support addicts are giving to our sub committees.  We can always use more help.


Thank you for the opportunity to serve

Shellie V.



  I am updating the Trusted Servants, Sub committee’s, and the GSR’s Names, addresses, phone number, and anyone who has an email address.  If you are in a new position, please put the information on your OASC reports.  The Trusted Servants & Names and Address are for me to keep up with getting the OASC minutes to you each month.  They are not shared with anyone and they do not go on the web site.


In Loving Service

Allen L.

















Ozark Area Treasurer’s Report

MAY  2006

(Meeting Of April 23, 2006)


Balance                                    $ 210.28                                  Balance ending April 23rd area report


Total Deposits              $ 273.10                                  Donations and credits given in April 23rd


Total Expenses             $ 302.75                                  Expenses since April 23rd report and

                                                                        Last meeting.

Current Balance                        $ 180.63                                  Balance as of May 20, 2006 meeting



DONATIONS                                                            EXPENSES


But Do It                                  $  60.00                       $ 120.00 Becky Miller #2

We Do Recover                                   $ 150.00                      $    80.00 Becky Miller #3

Butterflies Are Free                  $   40.00                      $    54.95 Freedom Voice #4

Miracles                                               $   23.10                      $    46.80 Joplin Globe #5

                                                                        $      1.00 Bank Service Charge

GROUP DONATIONS                     $ 273.10

                                                                        $ 302.75  TOTAL EXPENSES


Funds collected in basket for Spiritual Principles was $ 16.00


Thank you Spiritual Principles for hosting area meeting.


In Loving Service

Jackee C.



RCM:  Hello Ozark Area

This month I have many resumes to submit for voting from your groups.

Regional Secretary: 

Rebecca M. (Currently Serving)

Regional Delegate Alternate (Vote for One)

            Gina W. or  Kristin D

Subcommittee Chairs

            H&I   Norman

            PI       Randall T.

Writing Steps  for Recover

            Betty M.

SMRCNA Host Chair

            Jeff S.

SMRCNA BOD (3 positions open) vote yes or no for each person

            Glen S.  or  Howard D.

RSO BOD (vote yes or no for each person)

            Tom R.  or Chenoa W.



Please bring your votes back to the next area so they will be available for the new RCM to take to Region in July


ILS, Becky M.




H&I     Hello Ozark Area

H&I met yesterday at WDR we had 5 addicts there.  MacDonald County is doing well so is the Ozark Center.  We have missed two men’s meetings, but we were back in there again.  No support for the women’s side or at Laffette house.  I am sorry I cant be here I am going out of town.   Chrys B. is stepping up for H&I Chair, and Van B. for Vice Chair.



Mark J.


AASC – no report


PI     Hello Ozark Area

PI met on 5-20-06 at WDR.  Their were 7 addicts attending.

The phone live is going good.  We have had 34 calls last month at no charge.  We will be listed in Names and Numbers, The yellow Book and the tri state area phone books free of charge.  Two of them will be out in August or September. And the third one in January.  The number will be in the front of the books under community help and hot lines.  We took a letter to Zimmer Radio and Petracom stations two weeks ago for public service announcements.  We also are currently working on PSA’s for the T.V. stations.  That is all for now.



PI Bruce




Hello Ozark Area

But Do It meets at 1202 Michigan in the basement of building 2 at 6:30pm with between 15 to 25 addicts in attendance.  All meetings are closed except the last Wednesday of the month, which is open for Birthday Night.  Our business meetings are the Wednesday before Area, and we have a $158.55 donation for area


Service with a SMILE

Dale S.


Hello Ozark Area

The Miracles Group is doing well.  Our meetings has approximately 30-40 addicts per meeting at 4th and Byers at United Methodist Church.  Our campout is moving along with new shirts with a new design.  The campout is the weekend of September 8th and 9th.  Everyone come down and enjoy some NA Recovery Miracles Style.



Lynn L.


Greetings Ozark Area,

Survivors group meets at noon Monday through Saturday at 618 Jackson in Joplin, MO.  We have strong attendance at all of our meetings and welcome everyone to attend.  We have no donation for Area this month.



Shavett G.






Hello Ozark Area,

We Do Recover meets at 1330 S. Wall 7 days a week at 8pm.  All meetings are open.  Russ W. has completed his term as GSR and I was voted in last month as GSR.  We have a donation of $100.00 this month to area.  July 1st, We Do Recover is having our annual Freedom Day Picnic at McClelland park.




Greetings Ozark Area

The spiritual principals group is alive and well.  We are currently preparing for our 3rd annual old time campout memorial day weekend May 26-28th at the under cliff camp ground.  On Friday night we will be holding a spiritual principals stick campfire meeting.  On Saturday we will be having a dinner as well as two mystery speakers.


Our group still hold’s meeting’s every Wednesday and Sunday mornings at 9:30am at 618 S. Jackson.  We are averaging between 15 and 20 addicts per meeting. 


In Loving Service

Jeremy C.




Interim Allen L. as secretary, passed


David B. has been given the task of an AD HOC committee combined with a few people to see about moving the HOLP into our Ozark Area.


It has been suggested to also find a place to hold our area functions instead of using Galena Senior Citizens building






Dale S. as RCM nomination,  motion to close, 2nd .  passed.  Congratulations Dale we appreciate you for stepping up to the plate as RCM.



Motion to Amend article 6.3.d to include outreach chair, Passed


Motion to Amend article 6.1.c, Sub-Committees may present to the OASC their committee officers  nominees on month prior to their elections.  OASC and PI in October, H&I, Literature review, and Outreach in May,  Passed


Motion to remove in 6.3.d take out HOLP and leave AASC.  Passed


Motion to Change 6.3.c, Change HOLP Chair to AASC Chair,   Passed










Chrys B. for H&I chair, resume, tabled to groups, close nominations for H&I chair, 2nd .. Goes back to the groups to be voted on.



I’m Chrys B.  I’m an addict.  My clean date is March 7, 2001.  I have an NA sponsor that I work steps with, who has an NA sponsor that she works steps with.


I have over 4 years experience with the H&I sub committee, started taking meetings into the Laffette house at 5 months clean in 2003 was elected secretary for the H&I subcommittee in which I completed my term.  Have taken meetings into Jasper county jail, Ozark center and Lafayette house.  I have a working knowledge of the H&I guidelines along with the 12 traditions and 12 concepts of NA.


Other service commitments are as follows, WDR activities chair 2001, did not complete term due to personal conflicts.  Spiritual principles alt GSR completed term.  Spiritual principles GSR completed term.  Vice Chair for area, did not complete term. Resigned for personal reasons was not able to keep my commitment.


I would be grateful to be able to support the H&I through my service work.



Chrys B.




 Survivors 618 Jackson June 25th at 2:00pm

Motion to close, Passed.