jan20061.jpgOASC  January 2006

Ozark Area met at:

Meeting opened at 2:00 pm with Serenity Prayer:  Twelve Traditions and Twelve concepts read.

Officers present:  Kenny C. (Chair), Allen L. (Secretary), Jackee C. (Treasurer), Becky M. (RCM)

Officers absent:  None

Offices vacant:  Vice Chair

Subcommittee Chairs present: Mark J. (H&I), Renita G. (AASC), Bruce A. (P.I.)

Subcommittee Chairs absent:  None

Subcommittee Chairs vacant:  Outreach & Lit Review

Groups present:  Dale S. (But Do It), Wyatt G. (Fifth Tradition), Shellie V. (Survivors)

Groups absent:  (Butter Flies are Free), (Miracles), (Spiritual Principles), (We Do Recover), (Point of Turning)

Groups Inactive: Point of Turning (3), Spiritual Principles (6)

Groups Dropped from Area:  Spiritual Principles

Quorum: NO

Recognition of new Groups: None

Additions or corrections to last month’s minutes: None

Motion to approve:  Seconded, passed

Additions or corrections to the Agenda:  None




Ozark Area Chairperson Report

                Last months meeting didn’t go as well as hoped for, but we did what we could.  After some study we found that we did have enough groups to take care of the areas business.  But what’s done is done.  I guess we will just have more to do this month.  And try not to let it happen again.  Sorry!


I. L. S.

Kenny C.


Vice-Chair:  None


Secretary: Point of turning has moved to the inactive list, if they do not show up in February’s meeting they will be dropped from our register.  Because of Spiritual Principle not attending now for 6 months, they have been dropped from our Area.  GSR’S please remember to turn in your papers on full sheets, not on torn sheets of paper.  Thank you, this makes my job easier.



Allen L.






Hello Ozark Area

                I attended the Show Me Regional business meeting on January 14th and 15th.  I picked up the last 3 copies of the CAR while I was there and have more on the way from the RSO.  The Regional Delegate has requested input from the groups to take back to the World Service Conference in April.  I have given Allen L. A copy of the input worksheet, from the RD, to be included in the minutes.  John as made the follow suggestions for groups.  Groups pick 2-3 of the discussion topics each month for February and March to make it not as overwhelming.  Input needs to be sent to the RD (address and email on input form) or RCM and brought to the April RBM (March 31st- April 2nd) – all input needs to be received by RD, April 10th.  Also let John know where the input came from (i.e. Group or area)

                Keep a running tally of input, votes, ideas – so he can get a total feel for the region’s conscience.

                There are only 3 regional motions the rest is discussion and input.  John also reported on the World Convention in Hawaii.

There were:  8,658 registrations, $18,177.00  in newcomer donations, & $13,000.00 Unity Day Donations.

Upcoming locations 2007 – San Antonio, 2009 – Barcelona Spain, 2011 – San DiegoSan Diego was so impressed with us at the last WCNA that they asked us back and made a really good offer to get us back.

                The regional Outreach Chair has volunteered to come to Joplin to do a workshop since she was unable to make it to the High On Life Picnic last year.  One of the topics she has mentioned is a workshop for GSR’s.  She said she is also willing to do it at the Picnic.

                The big news is the Region is finally going to take action to get the regional phone line started.  It should be up and running by April 1st of this year.  It will be a piggyback system and will not cost the Region anything.


That is all for this month


Becky M.                               FLIERS WILL BE IN THE BACK OF THE JAN MINUTES


PS.  I’m attaching Regional Flyers to be included in the minutes.


RCM Alternate:





AASC Report to Area

Jan. 21, 2006


Hello Area

The first thing I would like to say is Thank you to everyone who helped make the New Years Eve function a success.  I almost cried when I came out of the kitchen and seen so many people helping clean up after the function.  A special thanks to Mark J. and Linda R. I have a CD of Debbie speaking if anyone would like a copy get with me and some how we will figure out how to make a copy.

After all expenses the function brought in $220, for which I have a check for Area.  We are working on the area birthday function next.  I will give you more details at the next OASC.


In Loving Service,

Renita G.





H & I

Hello Area

I went to Region and the New Vice Chair is David W.  Not much to report from there.  We did talk some about how H & I can have a fund raiser to buy some Literature.  The Sub Committee met on Sat 21st.  We had 10 addicts there.  Mac County needs some support.  Jasper County needs women’s support.  The Lafayette house is going strong so is the Ozark center.  We now have a book study there at 6pm on Thursdays and all is welcome.



Mark J.



Hello Ozark Area

P.I. met on 01-21-06 at WDR.  There were 7 addicts attending.  We are having a phone line workshop January 28th at 1:30pm at WDR.  We need volunteers with 1 year clean time to get involved.  We need operators and 12 step volunteers. GSR’s please read the flyers at your home groups this week.  We will have Pizza and pop.

I attended Regional P.I. sub committee on January 14th.  We are contacting the Sr. High Schools again to see about putting on a presentation for their Health and Wellness classes.  That’s it for now


Thank you

PI Bruce.




Hello Ozark Area.

But Do It meets Wednesday nights at 6:30pm, 1502 Michigan in the basement of building 2.  Attendance is up we have 15 to 20 addicts in regular attendance, and have a $64.74 donation for Area


In Loving Service

Dale S.



Butterflies are Free Group OASC Report (Was sent to Allen L)

Hello OASC

The Butterflies Groups is alive and kicking Group, attendance is good.  The group apologies this month for no representation,  Our group votes no on the T-Shirt Motion.  Also, our groups abstains on the CAR motion.  We also, for the vote for the Vice Chair Position, We as a Groups Vote “NO”


In Loving Service

Butterflies are Free


Hello Ozark Area

The 5th Tradition group is doing ok our meetings are still at 6:30pm on Tuesdays every week at 618 Jackson, High on Life Club.  We could use some support so come share with us.  Personal recovery depends on NA unity


In Loving Service

Wyatt Gordon








Greetings OASC

Survivors meets Monday – Saturday at noon at 618 Jackson in Joplin.  We are entertaining the idea of starting up 6:30 meetings on Sunday, Monday, Thursday & Saturdays.  We need addicts who will commit to chairing these meetings.

Our sweetheart Dance is scheduled for February 11, 2006.  We will start with a CAR Workshop at 3pm.  Jimmy N. will speak at 7pm.  A raffle and dance will follow.  This will be held in Galena, KS at the Senior Citizens Center.

As we are still behind in rent we have no donation for area at this time.  Thanks for allowing us to host this OASC.



Shelie V.






Remove Spiritual Principles from roster.

Fundraiser for H & I Mark will get back next month.



No quorum for area budgets, vice chair electcd.





Please talk up on the CAR workshop in our area group meeting to get a better attendance.



Motion to close, Next month meeting will be on February 19th, at 2pm where Survivors, bring your own food.  Adjourn, 2nd ,passed.